
vintagesalt: Ally Sheedy photographed by Deborah Feingold || 1988

historium: 6 year-old Robin Williams with his mother, Laurie, 1957

vintage-old-hollywood: Ann Margret

mcavoys: RYAN GOSLING by Frederike Helwig

trash-fuckyou: Elvira & Linda Blair

vintagesalt: Lisa Bonet || 1990

hollywoodlady: Chloe Webb and Gary Oldman for Sid and Nancy, 1986

vintage-old-hollywood: Clint Eastwood

theclassicland: Kirk Douglas as Vincent Van Gogh

historyofbdsm: Julie Newmar

vintage-old-hollywood: Agnes Moorehead

hollywoodlady: David Bowie in The Man Who Fell to Earth, 1976

blueblackdream: Michael McDonnell, Madonna, ca. 1978-79

johnny-dynamo: The Slaughtered Lamb by WeirdWonderTees

missadler1897: Photo by Denis O’Regan, 1983.