Louis C.K. - Entertainment Weekly’s Entertainers of...


Louis C.K. - Entertainment Weekly’s Entertainers of the Year 2011 by Matthew Salacuse, December 16th 2011

Chris Rock on Louis C.K.:
Louis C.K. is the most painfully honest person I’ve ever met. There’s an episode of his show Louie where he meets with Dane Cook and they talk about the rumor that Dane stole one of his jokes. That was the highlight of the season, and Dane was a great sport for doing it, because a lot of that stuff was real. I don’t know any comedians who don’t watch Louie, and the Dane Cook episode blew their minds.
Really famous A-list people want to be on Louie, but the show operates in a Lower East Side world where Louie hangs out with stand-up comedians, so he knows that big stars might be out of place. There’s a lot of “inside” comedian stuff on the show. Are there specific characters based on real people from the comedy scene? There’s definitely a few, but I can’t say who. The episode with the stand-up comedian who’s going to kill himself because he’s not as successful as Louie? I know guys like that.
Louie’s biggest problem has always been that he’s too humble. We’d talk a lot, and he’d tell me that someone offered him some role or project, and I’d be like, “Dude. You’re bigger than that.” In the last couple of years, he’s finally starting to realize it. And I’m happy about that, because nobody’s got an original voice like this guy.


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