
superseventies: David Cassidy











mabellonghetti: Benicio Del Toro and Parker Posey photographed by Mark Seliger, 1995

amyjdewinehouse: “I humbled my heart in desperate wait for the man who chills my bones and boils the blood in my bleeding heart.” Amy Winehouse photographed in 2007

chewbacca: “Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.” ― Carrie Fisher

nevver: National Compliment Day

cinemamonamour: Diane Keaton, 1980.

thesorrowsofgin: Mia.

cinemamonamour: Al Pacino photographed by Dan Wynn in the 70’s (x)

aokayalright: Kurt Russell