
gameraboy1: Sigourney Weaver in the airlock with the Alien Queen from Aliens (1986)

thegoldenyearz: Elvis Costello at CBGB, 1986. Photo by Roberta Bayley.

gameraboy1: Michael Jackson, Sophia Loren, Francis Ford Coppola, and George Lucas, 1986

ripopgodazippa: Photos by John Leyba. Taken in Denver at McNichols Arena July, 3, 1986 for an one-off performance.

pretonobranco77: Freddie Mercury by Denis O'Regan, Wembley, London, 1986

thesongremainsthesame: Joe Strummer and Courtney Love photographed by Adrian Boot on the set of Straight To Hell (1986).

theimpossiblecool: “You deserve a lover who takes away the lies and brings you hope, coffee, and poetry.” Frida Kahlo.

historium: Goldie Hawn, 1972

coolkidsofhistory: David Bowie - Diamond Dogs, 1974.