
mabellonghetti: Mary Stuart Masterson photographed by James Hamilton for New York Times magazine, 1987

bellalagosa: Katharine Hepburn Photo by: George Hurrell

vintagedeluxeworld: superseventies: The wedding of Cher and Gregg Allman, 1975.

twixnmix: Cher performs as ringmaster at the opening day of the Ringling Brothers Circus as part of a celebrity event with her daughter Chastity Bono in Inglewood, California on July 16, 1974.

80stothemaxx: Jami Gertz in Less Than Zero 👄

twixnmix: Janet Jackson photographed by Harry Langdon for the cover of her album Dream Street (1984)

vintagesalt: Beetlejuice || 1988

vintageruminance: Elizabeth Montgomery

twixnmix: Janet Jackson photographed by Harry Langdon for the cover of her album Dream Street (1984)

twixnmix: Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown with their daughter Bobbi Kristina, September 1993. Photos by Randee St. Nicholas

coolkidsofhistory: Mike Tyson walking his tiger, 90's

masteringtheartofsimplicity: “Half of life is fucking up, the other half is dealing with it.” ― Henry Rollins

goshyesvintageads: General Mills Fun Group Inc, 1976

Banana Bread with chocolate chips #banana #bananabread #bonappetit