
alwaysbevintage: 📷Stunning young beauty captured in 1944. Happy birthday Queen Elizabeth!

hollywoodlady: Robert De Niro and Liza Minnelli in New York, New York, 1977

killerbeesting: Lynn Goldsmith, Prince, NYC, 1986

wehadfacesthen: Katharine Hepburn in a 1932 photo by Ernest A. Bachrach

mabellonghetti: Isabella Rossellini, c.1990

elevenacres: Bruce Lee (1970s)

avasgal: Shirley MacLaine, 1955

those-eyes-that-mouth: Shirley MacLaine on the set of ‘The Yellow Rolls-Royce’, 1964.

beauvelvet: An early hair and make-up test of Judy Garland as Dorothy Gale for The Wizard of Oz, 1939. I’ve always taken ‘The Wizard of Oz’ very seriously, you know. I believe in the idea of the rainbow. And I’ve spent my entire life trying to get over it. ~ Judy Garland.

adoring-annette: Newlywed Annette Funicello at home. Husband Jack Gilardi’s portrait sits behind her, 1965.

vixensandmonsters: Winona Ryder photographed by Ellen Von Unwerth, 1994

vintagesalt: Rose McGowan photographed by Michael Stipe, 1997

axsbp: Bob Willoughby, Peter O’Toole, 1962

axsbp: Bob Willoughby, Lee Marvin, 1956