
vintageruminance: Joan Collins - 1970s

blackhistoryalbum: Whoopi Goldberg is the first and only African-American winner of an EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony)

Chuck Norris

Anjelica Huston and Liza Minnelli

sala66: Dustin Hoffman en “Papillon”, 1973

ohmarlenemarlene: Carole Lombard

wehadfacesthen: Katharine Hepburn in a 1935 portrait by Ernest Bachrach

Kim Novak for Pal Joey, c. 1957

wehadfacesthen: Robert Mitchum, 1940’s

houseofsushi: Helen Slater in The Legend of Billie Jean (1985)

houseofsushi: Lea Thompson in Howard the Duck (1986)

bigmeowski: Quentin Tarantino on the set of Reservoir Dogs (1992)

losetheboyfriend: Iggy Pop; captured by Roberta Bayley (1976)

vintagegal: "I’ve got some news for you, Johnny. I’m going to do exactly what I please, when I please." Rita Hayworth in Gilda (1946)

vintageruminance: Dolly Parton - 1978

ladiesofthe70s: Good Times - Ja’net Dubois, Bern Nadette Stanis with Ralph CarTer

ladiesofthe70s: Faye Dunaway

voxsart: The Furry Years. Paul Newman and Ava Gardner, 1972.

voxsart: 1942. Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell.