
bettybacallbeauty: Lauren Bacall in Dior magazine - 1954

nickdrake: Margot Kidder

sala66: James Caan, en plan Macho Man. Era su década, al fin y al cabo.

sala66: Black Power en los 70: Pam Grier

vintagegal: Rita Moreno photographed by Loomis Dean for Life magazine, 1954 (via)

Dick Van Dyke with his hero, Stan Laurel, 1964.

early Dolly Parton shot from mid-1960s

Tupac Shakur and Tim Roth 1997

Charles Bronson, 1975.

Debbie Harry at a photo shoot for Creem Magazine, 1976

Gypsy Rose Lee - 1950s strip tease superstar.

Ralph Macchio, Crossroads, 1986.

Cape Fear

John Candy’s wardrobe polaroids from the Canadian sketch comedy Second City Television.

Stanley Kubrick Covered in Silly String (most photos of him are so serious)

Jeff Bridges, United States Coast Guard, 1968

houseofsushi: Kurt Russell in The Thing (1982)

#susan dey