
vintageruminance: Daryl Hannah - Splash (1984)

vintagesalt: Drew Barrymore, 1990

vintagesalt: Pretty in Pink (1986)

vintagesalt: The Lost Boys (1987)

The Terminator (1984)

wehadfacesthen: The final paragraph of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s opinion in the US Supreme Court decision to extend marriage to gay and lesbian citizens. An amazing day in the USA

boomerstarkiller67: Patrick Duffy - Man from Atlantis (1977)

vintagesalt: Cyndi Lauper, 1984

70spostergirls: Debbie Harry

The Outsiders (1983)

gravesandghouls: ‘Bewitched’ Opening Sequence Production Cel, 1970 (via)

fybombshells: Kim Novak

vintageruminance: Heather Locklear

70spostergirls: 70spostergirls: Cheryl Tiegs. Time magazine, March 1978.

Jeff Goldblum in The Fly (1986)

houseofsushi: Lo Pan and John Carpenter: the couple most likely to couple

houseofsushi: Johnny Depp // Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)

theimpossiblecool: “The one thing the world will never have enough of is the outrageous.” Salvador Dali, Spain, 1963.